Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ma's Monday Question

Every Monday, though I'm a day behind this week, I will share with you one of the many questions my mom has for me about Nigeria and my experiences living here. One of the first questions she had was about the weather. Since she's been to Nigeria, she wondered if the weather was still dry and dusty.

Yes, the weather starting around November through March is known as Hammattan which is the dry period. The weather is cooler, dryer and dustier. See below for the terrain just outside our house:

The temperature is usually a a high of 80-90 degrees F and a lows of 50-60 degrees. Since I've been here (early Nov. 2012) it has only rained once, a week and a half ago, and many people around here said that was very unusual. But the dryness doesn't mean you cannot grow things. Below is one of the yards of the house:
As you can see grass, trees and even roses can grow in this climate, though the plants to get watered about every other day. People have told me that Jos is a state that is particularly more fertile than other parts of of Nigeria.

I have to admit though the weather is wonderful. The dust is really not that bad because it's hardly ever windy, the heat is hardly ever humid, and I like the warm days and the cool nights, it reminds me a lot of my home away from home, Los Angeles. So I have to admit the weather alone has got me hooked. I hope to add more pictures of the house we live so stay tuned.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Happy New Year!! This is my mantra so to speak for 2013 and I feel this photo of J is a wonderful illustration of it. This is her on one of her many days playing with friends on the rusty sand dunes of Jos, Nigeria. (I think here big sister K was dressing her as a warrior princess)

I can’t believe I’ve been in Nigeria for almost 2 months and our first holiday here has already passed. It honestly feels like only 2 weeks. Well, I’m not going to let another day get away from me without sharing a little bit of it with you. So please stay tuned and all the best for you and your family for 2013.